Friday, September 16

VFNO: Rome!

Ieri 15 Settembre a Roma si é svolta la Vogue Fashion Night's Out. Devo dire che la serata é riuscita molto bene, era pieno di gente in giro e dentro ai negozi, quindi spero la riproporranno anche per l'anno prossimo.Ed ecco alcune foto che ho scattato in giro tra via Condotti e via del Corso.

Yesterday, 15th of September there was Vogue Fashion s Night's Out in Rome. It has been a great evening, there were a lot of people around and inside the stores, so I hope they will organize it again.
Here you are some of the pics I took yesterday beetween via Condotti and via del Corso.

In Sephora store

H&M e la pochette creata apposta per la VFNO

Via Condotti

Stella McCartney store

I was wearing:
H&M Blazer
Vintage Shirt
H&M shorts
Soho Store black platform
Puella necklace

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